Wednesday, 21 January 2009

AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 Bible

Welcome to the AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008 Bible. Whether you use AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, you’ll find complete explanations of all the powerful features that you need to know about to design and draw anything. This book is designed to be your comprehensive guide to both the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT programs.
(pdf | 1294p)

This book covers every significant AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT feature. If you’re a beginning user, you’ll find everything you need to start out; if you’re already using AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT regularly, the
book covers advanced material, as well. Although you can use this book as a tutorial if you’re just start-
ing out or learning a new set of features, it also provides a solid reference base to come back to again and again. The short tutorials on almost every topic will quickly have you creating professional-level drawings. The DVD is chock-full of drawings, a trial version of AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008, and add-in programs (which are mostly for AutoCAD only). This book is all that you need to make full use of either program.
For AutoCAD 2008, the emphasis is on enhancing basic and important drafting tools, such as layers,
text, dimensions, and blocks. Important enhancements for laying out a drawing for printing or plotting are also among the new features. Most of these new features are in AutoCAD LT 2008, as well.
